Softrol is proud to be a leading provider of material handling and reporting solutions for the laundry. Learn how Softrol’s solutions can be used to automate your facility and reduce labor.
Streamlined Soil Sort, Soil Storage & Delivery
Softrol solutions start at soil receiving. A high-speed cart dumper and conveyor system may be used to transport soiled linens to our advanced sortation deck. Our automated sort-on-rail process includes Softrol’s unique rail twisters, which handle bag delivery and exit from the deck with efficiency. Rail twister provide a 90-degree turn yielding a very tight overall footprint. After the sortation process, Softrol’s automated soil rail storage and delivery system smoothly handles wash aisle delivery and collects critical process data, while reducing your labor force and freeing-up valuable floor space.
Clean Rail Transport, Storage & Delivery
Softrol Rail may also be used to transport clean linen directly from the wash aisle. Bags are loaded by conveyer immediately after the washer, press, or dryer and transported to clean storage with no need for operator interface. Bags may then be called-off, as needed, with automatic delivery to the drop points in your finishing department.
LOIS - Real-Time Rail Information 
Softrol’s LOIS (Laundry Operation Information System) uses Pan and Zoom technology to provide real-time information to your staff via PC, tablet or cell phone. This “on the spot” data helps to improve and speed-up decision making and troubleshooting. The Pan and Zoom feature allows close analysis of the complete rail system (viewed to scale), portions of the system, or individual rail components and I/O’s. Our System Health report constantly monitors and reports on the entire rail system from one easy-to-use dashboard. Further, Maintenance Mode now includes the ability to Pan and Zoom to individual rail components. View drawings and blow-up diagrams with part numbers to simplify parts identification, and add parts to your cart to request pricing from Softrol with the click of a button.
How Can We Help?
Softrol offers automation solutions that work with your facility’s unique needs. Please contact us to discuss a custom installation for your plant.