As technology continues to change and evolve, plant managers are looking for solutions that are reliable, precise, and efficient. With continuous innovation in automated chemical dispensing equipment, Softrol has become a leader in providing the latest technology. One of the latest ways we are helping plant operators improve performance is with the Catalyst Dual Inject System.
How It Works
The Softrol Catalyst Dual Inject System is designed to offer proprietary flow metering along with computer-supervised flow rate and volume verification. Should a process failure of maintenance requirement be needed, the system will notify plant managers so they will be able to resolve as needed. By doing this, the Catalyst Dual Inject System gives plant operators increased process control and higher quality, all at operating costs that are lower when compared to other technologies.
Much like the Catalyst Classic, the Dual Inject System is made for processing high-volume, heavily soiled garments. The dual injection capability makes it perfect for plants that have high production needs but limited space. The process of operation is relatively straightforward. Pumps dedicated to each chemical allow for the delivery of higher volumes as well as higher viscosity chemicals. In addition, individual pumps disperse the plumbing load in high production plants, reducing wear and tear.
Additional Performance Benefits
Softrol’s Catalyst Dual Inject System is unique in that it doesn’t require installing additional chemical pumps for multiple chemical injections. A large, integrated 15-gallon flush tank along with an additional flush tank ensures proper flushing during simultaneous injections. The system uses Softrol’s Catalyst software for formula programming and process reporting. The unit’s functions are automated, which includes calibration valves and backflush valves allowing for easy system maintenance. Other available options include PC workstations with PulseNet Chemical Injection software installed, various drumwands, and a spare parts kit.
The Catalyst Dual Inject System from Softrol provides plant managers with a fast and efficient way to handle high-volume garment loads. Call us today for more information on how it can help your plant.